OTHER inquiries + FAQ

With 1M+ subscribers on my YouTube channel, I receive more inbound email and requests than I can personally reply to. The Frequently Asked Question list below doesn’t include the answers one can easily Google the answer to (i.e.- how do I become a licensed architect?) The video below covers some of the most common questions I receive…


I need to speak with you personally, how can I do this?

Best way to reach me currently is via my socials: YouTube + Instagram.

Can I interview you for my (high school/college) career report?

I receive between 10 - 20 requests each week for interviews for school projects. I’m flattered and I’d love to help you, but if I granted these requests I wouldn’t have time for any of the creative work you’ve come to expect from me. My short film, ‘A Choice to Make’ shows my career path. Also, check out my vlogs for ‘Day in the Life of an Architect’ content.

Can you review my portfolio?

I’m not able to review portfolios individually. However, I made a video discussing the most important elements I think you should include in an architectural portfolio. You’ll find my best advice there.

Can I pick your brain? I have just a few quick questions…

I receive dozens of requests for brain picking each week via email. I wish I could personally respond, but the amount of inbound email has simply exceeded my capacity to reply without sacrificing the time I need to be creative + make new things. I do hope you’ll understand! Leaving a comment on my most recent video is a good place to catch me, I try to respond to as many as I can.

Do I have to be good at math to be an architect?

No. Here’s why.

Can I work for you as an intern? Are you hiring?

Following me on my social media accounts is the best way to learn about employment opportunities as they arise. YouTube + Instagram.

What architecture school should I attend?

I graduated from architecture school (Roger Williams University) in 1996. I was researching schools back in the late 1980’s (30 years ago) which means I’m a really bad person to ask. I chose which schools to apply to based on: A) how much I liked the work I saw when I visited, and B) how much I liked the studio space knowing I’d be spending a lot of time there.

Do I have to be good at drawing to be an architect?

No. But learning to visually communicate your ideas is a skill you’ll need to develop over time. You’ll find a style with lots of practice and that style will be unique to you. Here’s a video I made on this very subject. Many architects sketches look like scribbles to the uninformed. What matters is being able to convey your ideas to others in a visual format. You get to choose what that is: computer, sketch, model…something else?

Is it too late to pursue a career in architecture?

No. However, to become a licensed architect takes many years. If you go into the process knowing this, you can decide if it’s right for you. A Bachelor of Architecture is a 5 year professional degree, (or you can pursue a 4 + 2 Master’s). This is followed by 5 years of a mandatory internship (in the USA) and then you’ll be eligible to sit for your licensing exams.

Can I become a licensed architect in the USA without going to architecture school?

That depends on the state where you’d like to practice. It is possible in some states in the USA, however the equivalent training requirement will likely to take longer to complete than attending architecture school. Check NCARB’s list of state-specific licensing requirements.

Will you mentor or coach me?

You can check my coaching availability here.

I’m visiting Maine, can I drop by your studio for a quick tour and a chat?

Totally flattered, I’d love to meet you, but private studio visits are reserved for my clients. Enjoy Maine, it’s a fantastic place!

I want to start my architecture business, can I ask you a few questions?

My best + most current advice can be found in my online course and the two books I’ve written on this subject. You’ll find those here.

Can I get a discount on the A+E Toolkit and/or your CAD template?

I don’t offer discounts on my products. 99% of what I do online I give away for free; I only offer a few paid products and it’s the sales from those products that help support my family and make the work I do possible. If it’s not the right time for you to invest in these tools for your business, I understand, but I also know that you’ll find value in these products that far outweigh their price.

Will you feature my (product, app, software, tool) on your YouTube channel?

If you’d like to make me aware of your product or service, please use the contact form below to reach me and I’ll be in touch shortly.

What gear do you use to make your videos?

Here’s all the gear I use.

What fonts do you use in your videos.

Fonts aren’t (that) important. When in doubt, use Comic Sans.

Will you be a guest on my podcast?

I love podcasts (In fact, I have my own: Two Sides of FI) and I seriously consider every request. Please use the form below and use ‘Podcast Interview Request’ in the subject line.

Can I republish your video, article, or imagery on my site?

No, you may not republish any of my content without my express written permission. All content is copyright of 30X40 Design Workshop and Eric W. Reinholdt. Making videos, writing, and blogging is a difficult and time-consuming endeavor. It’s well worth the time it takes to find your own voice and express your own unique ideas. You'll be glad you took it on yourself rather than rely on mine. We need your work in the world…go make things!

Can I translate your videos and re-upload them to YouTube on a separate channel?

No. Video copyrights are all retained by 30X40 Design Workshop and Eric W. Reinholdt. If you’d like to submit translations of my videos on my channel this can be done here. I don’t permit any downloading of my original content, or any dubbing or re-uploading of my video content from my existing library of videos. Not only is this a violation of my copyright, it will also result in a copyright strike on YouTube as it violates YouTube’s terms of service. Make your own original content, you’ll be glad you did.

Why the name 30X40?

Here’s the story.


If you’re interested in sponsoring the YouTube channel or working with Eric one-on-one, please use the form below.