Architect + Entrepreneur Course

Design a business that works for you.

Imagine your business a year from now. How much revenue are you earning? What kind of projects are you working on? What are you doing more of? What are you doing less of? Imagine waking up to a Monday morning without the stress of wondering where your next dollar is coming from. Your to-do lists are manageable, your task list focused only on the things you want to be doing. You have systems in place to handle new leads, systems for earning while you sleep, systems that take the tedium out of your daily routine.

You have time to think. Time to create, time to be creative. Time for your family. The time you spend, you’re working on the business, not in the business. You’re strategic, not reactionary. You have the freedom to say “no” to the things that aren’t a good fit. You have enough. Enough money in the bank, enough time with your family and friends and you’re doing work you enjoy.

If this sounds like somewhere you’d like to be, this course is for you.

Whether you’re just getting started or you’ve been at this a while and you’re not where you’d thought you’d be, you’ll find valuable lessons here. I share what saves me time and makes my business more money each month. The curriculum provides a framework and a set of actionable steps that will help you put in place the systems required to design a business that works for you. You’ll have the freedom to choose what you work on each day, a purpose driving you forward and the time to spend on the things in life that really matter: your personal relationships.

Without the freedom to chose what I work on each day, a purpose driving me forward and strong personal relationships I don't consider myself successful. How you judge success may be different. Maybe your metrics are financial, maybe you want to run an international team, or travel full-time. There are no right answers, only ones that work for you. This course teaches you to work with intention, toward goals that matter.

When I started 30X40 Design Workshop in 2013 I was focused on building a non-traditional studio. I wanted to design homes, but I wanted to design other things too. As a creative person with many interests, I wanted a business that would allow me to explore them all. I made a very simple shift in the way I practice and this course will show you how to make that transition too. The principles I'll teach you will build creative white space so you can do more of the things you want to do. It's completely possible to design a business that serves your financial needs, supports your family and also feeds your creative intellect. And, it doesn't matter if you live in a city, a suburb or a remote island - like I do - when you apply the principles of entrepreneurship to reinvent a conventional practice model you'll earn more and have more time for the things you enjoy.

The course is sequential and will guide you from no business and no brand, to an operational, lean startup business. You'll learn what systems I have in place, how to build a brand that caters to your ideal client, how to market to those clients and earn passive income while doing so. You'll discover how to use your design process as a marketing device and you’ll see some of the other creative pursuits I’m able to pack into my day, the things you probably don't have time for now.

Whether you have an established business or you're just getting started, this course is designed to help you find better clients, give you the freedom to do work that matters to you and earn more doing it.

What's Included?

  • Client Handbook (25-page PDF)

  • Branding Workbook (16-page PDF)

  • Marketing Workbook (24-page PDF)

  • Passive Income Product Workbook / Ideabook (21-page PDF)

  • Financial Handbook (12-page PDF)

  • $100K "Hyperfine" Case Study + (PDF)

  • Financial KPI's spreadsheet

  • Contractor Interview Checklist + sample

  • Budget Proposal Template

  • Services Proposal / Terms + Conditions Examples

  • Project Fee tracking spreadsheet

  • Invoice sample

  • Break Even Analysis spreadsheet

  • Passive Income Product Revenue tracking spreadsheet

  • 30X40's Design Process Guide

  • Site analysis template + sample

  • Parcel Review Template + sample

  • Program worksheet / template

  • Presentation template + sample schematic presentation

  • Email templates (6-page PDF)

  • Anatomy of an Email Campaign Cheatsheet

  • Success metrics worksheet

  • Scope document (sample)

  • Code + Zoning checklist (sample)

  • 30X40's Video production workflow + checklist

  • 30X40's Business Folder Structure

  • Video lectures include a "homework" section + additional contextual resources for further study

  • Content is updated regularly (i.e. - "Pandemic Plan: What I'm doing right now" )