Moving Forward + Looking Back

Wishing you a Happy New Year! I always look forward to the fresh start we’re afforded each January. In that quiet period between Christmas and New Year’s I always sneak an hour or two to reflect on the year as it draws to a close. I make note of what’s gone well and what hasn’t gone to plan in both my personal and professional life. I do this using Notion and this year I wanted to share my annual review process and let you in on the changes I’m making in 2022.

Note: Learn about the basic Notion setup in my original blog post + video here.

I’m sharing this - in part - to hold me accountable, and also because I genuinely enjoy seeing how others do this too. Instead of setting goals, I set a schedule for making and managing; designing an ideal day that prioritizes creative outputs. However, 2021 didn’t always go according to plan and I found a problem with the schedule that has served me so well. See how I fix this in the video.

If you’re like me, trying to accomplish more this year but tired of setting goals, I think you’ll appreciate my method. And, if you like what you see, be sure to download my Notion template to help get you started.

Wishing you a productive (+ intentional) year of making things ahead!
Eric @30X40

P.S.: Notion allows you to do interesting things like sharing what you’re reading or working on publicly (click to see mine).